Seeds of Health, PC

Day 5: Navigating December with Health, Balance, & Sanity

Plant the Seed: Schedule Care in Advance

Whatever you do just for you—acupuncture, a massage, a meditation group, a counseling session, a pedicure with a good friend—book it ahead of time. Schedule that mid-December appointment so you know it will happen. It will be there in the midst of the potential overwhelm to anchor you, to quiet the noise, to give you a break, and to nourish you at a time when we could all use a little extra. Sandwich the holidays with good care if you need to, especially if you know the holidays are hard for you personally due to family challenges or grief. Set yourself up early to get what you need as easily as possible and thank yourself for the kindness.

I was thrilled to have a much-needed acupuncture/massage treatment for myself earlier this week! That likely would not have happened if I didn’t book it weeks ago. Those weeks were a blur but the seed got planted and my body is thanking me.